One more way to keep enjoyable memories about the night of love is to replace usual foreplay including kisses, hackneyed stroking and fondling with amusing spicy sex games. You can play artists. At first take off all your clothes, take brushes, special body paints and enjoy the erotic body art game!
Give free scope for your imagination! And you'll find it very kinky to touch the skin with wet brushes. You also can play the game called "roll the fruit". Your partner should take on his pants, while you roll an apple or another fruit you like from one trouser leg to another without hands. Remember everlasting "9 1/2 Weeks"? Feed each other with blindfolding eyes.
In short, discover new ways of sexual amusement and you won't regret the time spending in laugh and arousal.
The more unforgettable nights you have, the more love and tenderness fill your hearts.
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