Mark Twain once said "There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable."
Stolen pleasures are sweetest. We all know this, but rarely use this knowledge to ring the changes on our sex life. One more unfailing way to make the night of love and pleasure unforgettable is to try something you've never let yourself do. Everyone draws his own line. But it's so exciting to step out of this line! Moreover, it's rather healthy to be "bad" sometimes...
Try something outrageous together! Turn the hidden dreams into reality. To make the experience totally awesome do what you really want to do (but was afraid by some reasons). Life is too short to spend it in dreams without any chance to make it real. Feel free to express yourself! Kinky sex toys from our collection will surely serve as a Wittle Wanachi Pink during the Night of Love...
One more variant is to fulfill His sex fantasy! If you had the Night of Confession you probably know about your lover's whims. So, go ahead! The night when you both will enjoy the sweetest fruit is surely to sink into your mind forever!